Getting Started on that Venture: Cook's Pest Control
How does ownership stay true as redeemed children if God, and how does that reflect in the marketplace? Here is the first of several examples.
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Okay. You’ve given your whole life over to Jesus Christ, and in seeking His direction, He’s made it clear to you that starting and operating a business is a part of what He’s wanting you to do.
Something non-believers might not understand is that a “business run by a Christian” should be fundamentally different from one run like a standard business, save for avoiding some practices we feel are offensive, or allowing for a Bible study on the workplace property, or sticking a key scripture quote on a business wall, or even asking every customer if they know where they’d go if they died right now. Those of us who have a new life in Christ know our enterprise has to be fundamentally more different than that.
In this and the next few posts, I would like to offer up some examples of businesses that have demonstrated living out that new life very well. A few of these will be relatively new, while others, like this current example, have demonstrated both shrewd, profit-generating business skills and and an unyielding commitment to follow the God who saved and called them- for a very long time.
In fact, this first company has applied this call well for nearly a century now. In this fourth installment in the Introduction to Entrepreneurship series, Wade Myers of Venture Academy introduces us to Decatur AL-based Cook’s Pest Control. Now in it’s fourth generation of in-family leadership, Cook’s is currently the seventh-largest pest-control provider in the United States. As you will see in this story, Cook’s has been innovative in how to apply it’s services to growing clientele through 32 regional offices across the mid-south and southeast, but has been seeking the Lord, and following His answers, regarding how following Him translates to treating those clients, treating their staff, stewarding the profits they receive, as well as countless other unique ways.
God bless. #HAGDOW